Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The New 1Mandala: One Thousand Strong

Alright folks.  It is up!  The new build of the 1Mandala is officially unveiled for all to see!

We are real proud.  This is all our work over the last year. 

Let’s say that again:  Our work.   And we don’t mean a few people, or even thirty or forty.  We mean over a thousand!   What your about to see wouldn’t be the same thing without each of you.  And you.  And you!  And 'You' times a thousand.

Inspired by Wiltshire crop-circles, Kabbala numerology and the smiles of over a thousand humans united in the shared intention of peace and oneness, the 1Mandala is beautiful not just as a picture-- but as a process. 

That’s really what’s behind the pretty picture.

We’re building a stunning example of working together in a whole new co-creative way.   We’re serious when we say this is the type of shift that enables a whole new Earth.

Take a good look.  You see

When we’re making beautiful things together we are we putting energy into all the good stuff that is emerging on Earth.  Without any further fuss, we’re leaving all that old baggage behind.  That’s the idea behind shinning all your good itentions for a new world into your creative 1Mandala portrait. 

And then, when we weave all those beautiful intentions together using the sacred art of the mandala-- Wow!  Look out!  They say that with movements and project, getting the first 1000 participants is the hardest part.  After this...

Well, look out... and check it out! 


Like it?  Love it?  1Mandala print sales are also just beginning!  Get a dazzling mandala first edition and support our movement and project.

Because, we are all one.

Russell & the New 1Mandala 1Team


The New Core Team of the 1Mandala Project:

Russell Maier - Sagada, Earth

Dan Millstein - California, USA

Yorlene Vega - Jaco, Costa Rica

Catalina Sursilov - Bucharest,Romania

Vero Ciz - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jarrett Krentzel - NYC, Victoria, America

Sarah Queblatin - Manila, Philippines

Saturday, August 21, 2010

To Energize

We’ve added a new word to the 1Mandala Statement of Intention. Yep, this update is about just one word. But, an important word:


You see, this word, like the others in our statement of intention, has been meticulously chosen. A group of ordinary folks, from around the planet, have come together around the importance of this extra-ordinary. Together, over eight months, we have crystalized it into an intention that will now unite, focus, and guide the coming together of dozens, then hundreds, then thousands to manifest in a tremendously exciting new way. With joy we now share it.

"Our shared intention is to co-create a grand mandala of creative portraits that reflects, energizes and celebrates the emerging oneness consciousness on Earth"


So, why 'Energize'?

Folks, you can feel it-- There's a fundamental shift going on on our planet. The world is getting smaller. We are awakening to just how interconnected we are. The deepening of this consciousness has radical implications-- implications that transform the fundamentals of our economies, values, societies and our ways of life-- implications that empower us to trascend the wars, injustices and oppression that have plagued humanity for so long.

And, a deep consciousness shift is the only way it is going to happen.

Like nothing else, the ancient and sacred art of the mandala is all about energizing consciousness.

Thus, by inviting the world, the 1Mandala will celebrate this amazing experience of shift-- Something that has already begun in each one of us and is radiating outwards. Through the 1Mandala we shall reflect this shift back to the world one portrait at a time.

And, in so doing, Energize it-- To propel it further and farther!

Welcome to the new 1Mandala project.

Stayed tuned.

Russell & the New 1Mandala 1Team

The New Global 1Team of the 1Mandala Project:

Russell Maier - Sagada, Earth
Helen Layton - BC, Canada
Dan Millstein - California, USA
Yorlene Vega - Jaco, Costa Rica
Catalina Sursilov - Bucharest,Romania
Vero Ciz - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jarrett Krentzel - NYC, Victoria, America
Sarah Queblatin - Manila, Philippines

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When You Build Big, You Gotta Dig Deep.

When you build big, you gotta dig deep. Your foundation has to be rock solid.

Alas when you're deep underground no one see can see you-- even if you're working real hard! The last few months we've been working hard and laying deep the 1Mandala's foundation. Yet despite all our hard work-- there hasn't been much to see!

Until now.

We are emerging into the light! Over the next few weeks we'll be introducing you to the new project-- from our new intention, our new core team, our new project invite, our new co-creative engine, and... a thousand-strong new build of the 1Mandala.

We dream of building a mandala with tens of thousands of people. This is a big! And when your building something big, the likes of which has never been seen before, it requires not only a strong foundation, but doing things a whole new way.

Oh boy... are we excited to share our new foundation with you and the gold nuggets of co-creative insight we've found underground!

Stay tuned folks as we roll out our new pillars one by one over the next few weeks.

Because we are all One,

Russell & the New 1Mandala 1Team

The New Global 1Team of the 1Mandala Project:

Russell Maier - Sagada, Earth
Helen Layton - BC, Canada
Dan Millstein - California, USA
Yorlene Vega - Jaco, Costa Rica
John Edwards - Hamilton, Canada
Catalina Sursilov - Bucharest,Romania
Vero Ciz - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jarrett Krentzel - NYC, America
Sarah Queblatin - Manila, Philippines